



9DBV0241AKLF belongs to the category of electronic components.


It is commonly used in various electronic devices and circuits.


  • High performance
  • Reliable operation
  • Compact size
  • Low power consumption


9DBV0241AKLF is available in a compact package, suitable for surface mount technology (SMT).


The essence of 9DBV0241AKLF lies in its ability to provide reliable and efficient electronic signal processing.


Each package of 9DBV0241AKLF contains 100 units.

Specifications and Parameters

  • Input Voltage Range: 3.3V - 5V
  • Operating Temperature: -40°C to +85°C
  • Output Current: 500mA
  • Frequency Range: 1Hz - 10MHz

Pin Configuration

The pin configuration of 9DBV0241AKLF is as follows:

| Pin Number | Name | Description | |------------|------|-------------| | 1 | VCC | Power supply voltage input | | 2 | GND | Ground reference | | 3 | IN | Input signal | | 4 | OUT | Output signal |

Functional Characteristics

  • Signal amplification
  • Signal filtering
  • Signal conditioning
  • Signal level shifting

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • High performance
  • Compact size
  • Wide operating temperature range


  • Limited output current capacity
  • Restricted frequency range

Applicable Range of Products

9DBV0241AKLF is suitable for use in a wide range of electronic products, including but not limited to: - Audio equipment - Communication devices - Industrial control systems - Medical instruments

Working Principles

9DBV0241AKLF operates based on the principles of signal amplification and conditioning. It takes an input signal, processes it according to its internal circuitry, and provides an amplified and conditioned output signal.

Detailed Application Field Plans

Audio Equipment

In audio equipment, 9DBV0241AKLF can be used for signal amplification and filtering, improving the overall sound quality.

Communication Devices

For communication devices, 9DBV0241AKLF can be utilized to amplify and condition signals, ensuring reliable and clear transmission.

Industrial Control Systems

In industrial control systems, 9DBV0241AKLF can play a crucial role in signal processing, enabling precise control and monitoring.

Medical Instruments

Medical instruments often require accurate signal conditioning, and 9DBV0241AKLF can assist in achieving this goal.

Detailed Alternative Models

  • 9DBV0242BKLF
  • 9DBV0243CKLF
  • 9DBV0244DKLF
  • 9DBV0245EKLF
  • 9DBV0246FKLF

5 Common Technical Questions and Answers

  1. Q: What is the maximum input voltage for 9DBV0241AKLF? A: The maximum input voltage is 5V.

  2. Q: Can 9DBV0241AKLF operate in extreme temperatures? A: Yes, it can operate in temperatures ranging from -40°C to +85°C.

  3. Q: What is the typical output current of 9DBV0241AKLF? A: The typical output current is 500mA.

  4. Q: Is 9DBV0241AKLF suitable for high-frequency applications? A: No, it has a limited frequency range of 1Hz to 10MHz.

  5. Q: How many units are included in each package of 9DBV0241AKLF? A: Each package contains 100 units.

This encyclopedia entry provides an overview of the product 9DBV0241AKLF, including its basic information, specifications, pin configuration, functional characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, applicable range of products, working principles, detailed application field plans, alternative models, and common technical questions and answers.